Plan Game
Historical, political or economic context in which the plan/project is proposed
A fictional plan generated by Bernhard Hoesli, Colin Rowe, Robert Slutzky, and John Hejduk while teaching at Texas University during the 1950s. A good example of typological urbanism and ad-hoc planning.
Caragonne, A. The Texas Rangers: Notes from an Architectural Anderground. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1995.
Kömez Dağlıoğlu, E., and T. Cansu. “Plan Game: Post-modern Mimarlik Kuram ve Egitiminde Aternatif Bir Kentsel From Arayisi Ornegi.” Edited by Turkish Network of Urban Morphology. III Kenstel Morfoloji Sempozyumu. Ankara, Turkey, 2021.