Carolina Pescatori

Job Title: professor Institutional affiliation: University of Brasília (UnB), Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU-UnB), Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism

Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil. Architect and Urban Planner at UnB, with an exchange program at Pennsylvania State University/USA. Master in Landscape Architecture at PSU, having received the Alma Heinz Award and Academic Honors of The American Society of Landscape Architects. PhD in Theory and History of the City and Urbanism, with an honorable mention in the 1st Rodrigo Simões Award for Doctoral Theses - ANPUR. Leader of the research group Topos - Landscape, Planning and Project and researcher of the Research Group on the History of Urbanism and the City. Member of the board of the National Association of Research on Urban and Regional Planning - ANPUR (2019-2021). Editor of Paranoá: Journal in Architecture and Urbanism. Research interests include urban dispersion and contemporary urbanization processes; urban landscape; history of Urbanism and the city.


Bruzzese, A., and C. Pescatori. “Gli altri volti di Brasilia: L’Evoluzione del Plano Piloto di Lucio Costa.” Abitare 517 (2011): 38-45.

De Faria, R., and C. Pescatori. “Brasilia.” In Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, by A. M. Orum, 1-5. Wiley, 2019.

Pescatori, C. Narrar por empreendedores. Vol. III, in Nebulosas do Pensamento Urbanístico, edited by M. Da Silva Pereira and J. Francia Cerasoli, 150-173. Salvador: EdUFBA, 2020.

Pescatori, C., and R. De Faria “Urban sprawl and Urbanization companies: the work of the Compañía Madrileña de Urbanización, the Garden City Pioneer Company, the First Garden City Ltd e the Cia. City.” Revista brasileira de estudos urbanos e regionais 22, no. E202019 (2020).

Quintas, E. C., and C. Pescatori. “O Centro de Brasília: permanências e transformações da monofuncionalidade modernista no Setor Comercial Sul.” In Antologia de Ensaios – LABORATORIO COLABORATIVO: Dinâmicas Urbanas, Património, Artes, edited by P. André, et al., 66-86. Lisboa: 1ed.Lisboa: Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2020.

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