XU Kanda

Job Title: Urban Planner Institutional affiliation: Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute Co.,Ltd.

He got his master degree from Tongji University majored in urban planning and heritage conservation. In 2015 he has a short exchange in Ecole de Chaillot, France. Now he works as Master Planner in Urban-rural Heritage Conservation Studio, he is also a National Registered Planner.

He has seven years of working experience on heritage conservation, engaged in near 30 projects in Guizhou, Guangzhou, Dali, Pingyao and many region in China. His research focuses on the urban and rural heritage conservation, with particular attention to the heritage conservation and regeneration in historic center. He had spent several years worked in the World Bank-loan project Qufu Ming Era City Conservation.

In the recent years, he was dedicated in the field of Heritage publicity. He has joined in the ICOMOS-CIAV VERNADOC program since 2018 and earned VERNADOC training.


Shao, Y., L. Hu, and K. Xu. Pingyao case: the approach of human-habitat world heritage conservation and revitalization. World Architecture, 2019. https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-SJZJ201911014.htm

Xu, K., and Y. Shao. “The predicament of Vernacular Community’s conservation in Urban Area Facing the Threat of Tourism.” In Vernacular and Earthen Architecture Towards Local Developmen, edited by Y. Shao, G. Jakhelln and M. Correa. Tongji University Press, 2019. https://book.douban.com/subject/34869115/

Xu, K., and Y. Shao. “Exploration of sustainable reform on urban villages in Zhangjiagang.” In Vernacular Architecture Towards a Sustainable Future, edited by C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García Soriano and V. Cristini. London: CRC Press, 2014. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/b17393-73/exploration-sustainable-reform-urban-villages-zhangjiagang-kanda-yong

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