Lorenzo Ciccarelli

Job Title: Research Fellow in History of Architecture ICAR/18 Institutional affiliation: University of Florence, Department of Architecture

Lorenzo Ciccarelli is Research Fellow in History of Architecture at the University of Florence and member of the Scientific Committee of the Renzo Piano Foundation.

His research investigate the international connections of the post-war Italian architecture, with a focus on building techniques and labour organization strategies. He is the author of Renzo Piano Before Renzo Piano. Masters and Beginnings (2017, Italian, English and French editions) and Il mito dell’equilibrio (2019).

Lorenzo was Visiting Fellow at the Architecture Theory Criticism and History Research Centre of the University of Queensland, and he is member of the editorial team of the journals “Opus Incertum”, “Histories of Post-war Architecture” and “Studi e Ricerche di Storia dell’Architettura”.


Ciccarelli, L. Il mito dell’equilibrio. Il dibattito anglo-italiano per il governo del territorio negli anni del dopoguerra. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019. https://www.francoangeli.it/Ricerca/scheda_libro.aspx?Id=26208

Ciccarelli, L. “Innocenzo Sabbatini and the Construction of Modern Rome.” In Townscape in Transition. Transformation and Reorganization of Italian Cities and Their Architecture in the Interwar Period. Edited by C. Enns and L. Monzo, 247-260. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2019. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-4660-3/townscapes-in-transition/

Ciccarelli, L. “Renzo Piano: ‘Come conservare la memoria dei luoghi che cambiano?'” Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, n. 145 (2015): 59-64. http://www.rassegnadiarchitettura.it/145.html

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