Nussara Intaraboonsom

Job Title: Ph.D. candidate Institutional affiliation: Silpakorn University, Thailand

A Ph.D. Candidate in the International Program of “Architectural Heritage Management and Tourism”. Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University Bangkok, Thailand. Experienced director with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. My professional skills are the field of Nation Branding, Sensory Branding and Cultural Heritage Management. My goals are to improve my education and gain further experience in related fields, focusing on urban and architectural heritage, cultural heritage and tourism in an interdisciplinary and international context. My recent experience in the international summer school on “Market spaces, production sites and sound landscape of European Cities from History to Regeneration”, promoted by the University of Padua, has increased my interests in the urban studies and confirmed the advantages of meeting different cultures.


Intaraboonsom, N. “Conservation Heritage and Nation Branding for Floating Markets in Thailand: a case study of Amphawa.” In Cultural Landscapes. A comparative study, edited by A. Alici, LapisLocus series. Wuppertal, Germany: Steinhäuser Verlag, 2021.

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