Sergio Martín Blas

Job Title: Adjunct PhD professor (Profesor Ayudante Doctor) Institutional affiliation: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSAM

Sergio Martín Blas is an architect and PhD Adjunct Professor of architectural design at ETSAM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). He is the Academic Secretary of the Advanced Architectural Design PhD Program at UPM. Dottore di ricerca at IUAV (2007) and PhD in architecture at UPM (2011). Visiting researcher at TU Delft (2005), TU Berlin (2007) and Cooper Union of New York (2006, 2008). Visiting professor at UNR (Rosario, Argentina, 2015) and La Sapienza (Rome, 2018-2020). His research focuses on the relations between domesticity, collective housing architecture and urban morphology. He has been curator of several international exhibitions in Spain and Latin America.


Martín Blas, S. “La vivienda según Asís Cabrero.” In Legado Francisco de Asís Cabrero Torres-Quevedo, edited by G. Ruiz Cabrero and Fundación Cultural COAM, 110-127. Madrid: Fundación COAM, 2007.

Martín Blas, S., and R. Cabrero. “El Pisito 2011: Housing and urban form in Spain, recent experience.” Lotus Internationa, no. 148 (2011): 90-101.

Martín Blas, S. “If… You Can Dream and Not Make Dreams Your Master: La residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid.” DASH| Delft Architectural Studies on Housing, no. 10 (2014): 68-81.

Martín Blas, S. and M. Rodríguez, (Eds) Arquitecturas VIS: vivienda de interés social en seis ciudades iberoamericanas. Madrid-Sao Paolo: Lampreave – FAU USP, 2018.

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