Shigenao Onda

Job Title: Researcher Institutional affiliation: Hosei University, Laboratory of Regional Design with Ecology

Ph.D. in urban and architectural history, Hosei University, Japan (2007). Urban and architectural historian. Associate Professor/Lecturer, Graduate School of Regional Policy Design, Hosei University (2008-2016).


Onda, S. “民国期厦門の都市改造―街路整備による新たな都市空間の創出 [Municipal Improvement in Xiamen (Amoy): The Creation of New Urban Space through Street Planning, 1920s and 1930s].” 年報都市史研究 [Nenpo Toshishi Kenkyu (The Urban History Annual)] (Yamakawa Shuppansya Ltd.), no. 15 (2007): 84-107.

Onda, S. “騎楼と飄楼による街路整備の実施過程:1930年代初頭,中国福建省の厦門における都市改造 [Redesigning Xiamen (Amoy): City Improvement by Street Planning with Covered-sidewalks in South China in the early 1930s].” 日本建築学会計画系論文集 [Journal of Architecture and Planning] (Architecture Institute of Japan), no. 611 (2007): 245-251.

Onda, S. “中国福建省の厦門における港湾空間の形成過程に関する考察 [A Study on the Formation Process of Harbor Space in Amoy, China].” 日本建築学会計画系論文集 [Journal of Architecture and Planning] (Architecture Institute of Japan), no. 572 (2003): 201-208.

Chen, Yu, and S. Onda. Lim Loh family: the journey home (林路家族:归途). Singapore: On-Labo, 2018.

Chen, Yu, and S. Onda.. The sound of love : Teng Mah Seng house in Quanzhou (念慈 : 泉州丁马成故居). Singapore: On-Labo, 2018.

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