Le acque e la città (XV-XVI secolo)
Giuseppe Bonaccorso

The volume outlines the links between the uses of water and the development of Rome in the Renaissance period. The ante-quem term is set around 1570, when the restoration and expansion of the ancient Vergine aqueduct, followed by the construction of two new aqueducts (the Felice and the Paolo), returned to Rome an extensive and articulated water supply system. Among the assumptions of the volume, there is the observation that the water system - rivers, streams, aqueducts, fountains, wells and sewage system - conditions the structure of the sixteenth-century city and guides its future development lines. In fact, it establishes a network of connections with the territory, with the landscape, and feeds multiple craft, production and commercial activities in the city.
Bonaccorso, G. “Le acque e la città (XV-XVI secolo).” Roma Moderna e Contemporanea (Università di Roma Tre), no. XVII, fasc. 1-2, 2009 (2010); ISBN 978-88-8368-112-7.