From Historic Townscape Conservation to Urban Heritage Conservation: Discussion on Conservation of National Historic City of Shanghai

Yong Shao


The institution of Historic Townscape Conservation in Shanghai was firstly established in 1990 s and was improved gradually in 2000 s, which had provided great contributions during this period of urban renewal. At the present context of urban renovation and the inventory planning in Shanghai, it is necessary to transform the conservation approach from Urban Townscape Conservation towards Urban Heritage Conservation for the National Historic City of Shanghai. The transformation requires to define the holistic framework for the integrated conservation of urban heritage at the strategic level, adopt the methodology of Historic Urban Landscape for the overall evaluation of the values and characteristics, make an implemental and active conservation plan, and organically unify the development of international metropolis with the maintenance and representation of the local and unique culture.

Shao, Y. “From Historic Townscape Conservation to Urban Heritage Conservation: Discussion on Conservation of National Historic City of Shanghai.” Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2016.

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