La vivienda según Asís Cabrero

Sergio Martín Blas


This chapter of the book Legado Francisco de Asís Cabrero Torres-Quevedo, edited by COAM in 2007, describes and analyzes an example of post Spanish Civil War urban design by architect Francisco de Asís Cabrero, a housing neighbourhood in Béjar (Salamanca). The design, developed in 1942, is probably based on Italian precedents the author was able to visit in the early 40s, most probably some Roman “borgate”.

Martín Blas, S. “La vivienda según Asís Cabrero.” In Legado Francisco de Asís Cabrero Torres-Quevedo, edited by G. Ruiz Cabrero and Fundación Cultural COAM, 110-127. Madrid: Fundación COAM, 2007.

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