Patras Re-Identification Proposals: Three Demonstrating Proposals for Re-Branding the City
Vassiliki Petridou, E. Antonelli, A. Rousopoulou, A. Spiliotopoulou

The aim of this study is to analyse the current image of the city of Patras, Greece, and reidentify another perspective dedicated to youth. Primarily, an extensive analysis is carried out about the existing functioning of the city, which is followed by a three -part proposal aiming to create new reasoning for the redefinition while each one of them can operate as competitive advantage for a real restructuring of the city image.
Petridou, V., E. Antonelli, A. Rousopoulou, and A. Spiliotopoulou. “Patras Re-Identification Proposals: Three Demonstating Proposal for Re- Branding the City.” European Cultural Management Policies and Practices for the Creative Use of Cultural Heritage (University og Pécs, Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resource Development), 2014: 61-71.