Wuhan, d’un centre industriel secondaire à une “Chicago de l’Est”
André Georgina
A city of 11 million inhabitants, Wuhan has long remained isolated from major national policies, that first targeted the coastal provinces and then the Western region. However, a recent national interest for the municipalities along the Yangtze river corridor has enabled the municipal authorities to launch a voluntary process of metropolization. From the metropolitan ambition to the reality of the urban projects developed, a fragmented development emerges that reinforces socio-spatial inequalities.
André, G. Wuhan, d’un centre industriel secondaire à une “Chicago de l’Est”, “Géoconfluences”, november 2020, http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/informations-scientifiques/dossiers-regionaux/la-chine/articles-scientifiques/wuhan