Nordic Countries
Affordable Social Housing 1910s-1930s. A comparative study
23 March 2022
Polytechnic University of Marche, Faculty of Engineering, Polo Belluschi, Montedago Anconaniversity, Bachelor Centre, Otakaari 1X, Espoo Lecture hall A1
lecture room 160/3
2 pm – 5 pm CET / 3– 6 pm EET
in presence and on Microsoft Teams

Antonello Alici (Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona – Italy) opening address
Aino Niskanen (Professor Emerita, Aalto University – Finland) introduction
- Claes Caldenby (Professor Emeritus, Chalmers Arkitektur Göteborg – Sweden) Gothenburg’s governor’s houses: A unique, exceptionally widespread and highly appropriate housing type
- Anu Kaisa Koponen (Architect, PhD, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae – Italy) Tradition and Innovation in Social Housing Projects by Innocenzo Sabbatini
- Chiara Monterumisi (Post Doc Fellow, University of Bologna, PhD, Architect – Italy) Rödabergsområdet in Stockohlm: a verdant small town idyll within the city