One Year After GUDesign Network Plenary Meeting
7 July 2021
2pm – 4pm (CET) / 8am – 10am (EST) / 8pm – 10pm (CST)

On May 15th 2020 the Genealogy of Urban Design – GUDesign network was launched.
A year after we managed to build up a website with the material you sent us, to promote 10 Thematic nodes and 3 Geographic one, to organize 10 seminars and to prepare for submission a peer review publication.
Considering that all GUDesign activities are coordinated directly by the network’s members, that all the material you can find on the website is produced directly by you, that the Steering Committee has met three times and the Core group innumerable, we may admit that not only we have been productive, but what is more, the reciprocity principle has been largely respected!
To discuss and further disseminate these outputs, to open new research paths and to plan our next steps, we are organizing this meeting in which the coordinators of the Thematic and Geographic nodes with short, 10 mins, presentations will describe their aims and outcomes.
Looking forward to meeting you soon online!
The Coordinator