Women Make History.
Genealogies of gender-sensitive urban design


María Novas Ferradàs (TU Delft, Netherlands)

Serafina Amoroso (Independent scholar, Spain)


This thematic node seeks to transversally explore the intersections between women, gender, and urban design through history. In particular, acknowledges the significance of the genealogies of Urban Design and its role in promoting a future of environmental sustainability, equality, and social justice. On this basis, it approaches two distinct areas of research:

  • By taking on the challenge of the current health and care-work crisis, the thematic node WMH aims to contribute to advance the state of knowledge in the field of gender-sensitive urban design by tracing new genealogies and establishing new correspondences from non-hegemonic perspectives.
  • By taking on the challenge of unveiling the hidden history of women's (devalued/appropriated) work through history, the thematic node WMH aims to transversally approach the history (and stories) of architecture and urban design, with a focus on the social and political history of the work of women ―situating its findings in space and time.

In summary, the thematic node WMH analyses social values in architecture and urban design, especially those developed in connection to the development of women’s movements, women’s work, and gender studies, while building on a state-of-the-art literature review and the collection of case studies. Through this work, it seeks to contribute to produce knowledge, genealogies, and collective awareness, notably in the field of Urban Design.