Christine Mengin

Job Title: Associate professor, history of architecture and heritage Institutional affiliation: University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Christine Mengin is associate professor of history of architecture and heritage at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne since 1995. Her main interests are 20th century architecture and its heritage. She is the author of a textbook on interwar architecture in France and a book on social housing in Germany in the 1920s. She has edited a multi-disciplinary volume on Porto-Novo, the capital of Benin, a work on the historic site of the National Library, as well as the proceedings of two colloquia, one on the restoration of Le Corbusier's buildings and the other on his relationship with the so-called primitive arts. She has held numerous associative and institutional responsibilities, both at the national level and at her university. Since 2008, she has led the cooperation between Paris 1 and the University of Tianjin and is currently preparing a book on the architectural and urban history of the city, co-edited with professor XU Subin, Tianjin University.


Mengin, C. “Écrire l’histoire des concessions de Tianjin par l’architecture : état des lieux.” Outre-mers. Revue d’histoire, dossier “ De Tientsin à Tianjin. Internationalisation et patrimonialisation des concessions” (1860-2030), t.102, no. 382-383 (2014): 13-15.

Mengin C., LU Y. “Les concessions occidentales dans la mise en valeur touristique de Tianjin : un patrimoine ambivalent.” In Le patrimoine mondial, mise en tourisme, mise en images, edited by Maria, Gravari-Barbas, coll.Géographies et Cultures, 147-172. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020.

Mengin C., Chauffert-Yvart B., Ged F., Lu Y., Rousseau É. Tourism and heritage in the enhancement of Tianjin.Built Heritage 4, n. 2 (2020).

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