Congresos Internacionales de Arquitectura y Género. Innovando y reconectando.
Maria Novas Ferradas, Nuria Alvarez Lombardero

Recent global events have highlighted a special emphasis on an awareness for women’s rights situation world-wide. A renewed critical reflection claims a place in all fields of knowledge regarding fundamental human rights, and so in architecture and related disciplines. There are different approaches to the understanding of both the social dimension of art or design practice and the figure of the architect itself. This is a scope full of tensions and contradictions, uncertainties, possibilities and discussions. Architecture operates at the inter-sections of various elements depending on contingencies, on contexts at a particular place and time. This field deals with a wide sets of power and production relations and has to face a complex set of cultural, political, economic factors as well as systems of representation, objects, forms and meanings. Following these premises, the first three International Conferences on Gender and Architecture (ICGA), opened in Spain in 2014, have created a pioneer space to meeting and debate about this need of questioning hegemonic positions to be able to meet unattended challenges. A de-bate that has arrive to stay.
Álvarez Lombardero, N., Novas Ferradás, M. et al. “Congresos Internacionales de Arquitectura y Género: innovando y reconectando.” Hábitat y Sociedad, 11 (2018): 239-247.