Écrire l’histoire des concessions de Tianjin par l’architecture: état des lieux
Christine Mengin
The paper reviews the Western studies concerning the architectural and urban history of the concessions of Tianjin, actually very sparse as regards the number of works dedicated to Shanghai. More relevant than those few publications are the master theses and PhDs, either finished or still ongoing, which offer insight on the subject of the edification of Tianjin’s Western area of and its transformation into built heritage. The titles are also sorted by concession and by type of building actors.
Mengin, C. “Écrire l’histoire des concessions de Tianjin par l’architecture : état des lieux.” Outre-mers. Revue d’histoire, dossier “De Tientsin à Tianjin. Internationalisation et patrimonialisation des concessions” (1860-2030), t.102, no. 382-383 (2014): 13-15.