Il paesaggio dei bacini fluviali della Lombardia nel progetto della città futura
Francesca Bonfante

With a focus on the Serio and Ticino river valleys, this paper synthesizes a research work on the role played by the historical landscape in the construction of the “future city”,
If we move beyond a purely defensive attitude towards landscape, the importance of a multi-scalar approach to architectural design and spatial planning comes to the fore, to enhance place identity but also to envisage future configuration of a given settlement. This requires a patient work of study and interpretation, overcoming the idea of the territory as a simple projection of economic facts, and understanding landscape in its physical and active dimension, that is capable of conditioning methods of production and networks of exchange, Along this line, we should reconsider the relationship between distinguishing architectural features and spatial planning strategies fostered by both public and private clients. This may help us historicize the need for a design-oriented approach to landscape change, to cope with the changing needs of settlements and communities.
Bonfante, F. “Il paesaggio dei bacini fluviali della Lombardia nel progetto della città futura.” In Alvei meandri isole e altre forme urbane, edited by G. Motta and C. Ravagnati, 87-106. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2008.