Neues Bildmaterial für neue Raumwahrnehmungen. Fotografie in der Städtebauliteratur an der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert

Katrin Albrecht


The emergence of urban planning handbooks coincided with a series of technological and medial developments that fundamentally changed scholarly book and journal production in the 19th century, as well as the recording and perception of architectural, urban and landscape spaces. While new image media, papers, tools, machines, printing processes and reproduction techniques revolutionised the production of illustrations and quickly made them a practicable instrument for conveying information and knowledge, rationalised surveying techniques and scientific methodologies ensured the elaboration of new fundamentals. In the interests of documentation, analysis and planning, illustrations influenced theoretical and practical discourse; they also led to new modes of expression and thus to changes in established habits of visual perception. For the emergence of urban planning as a scientific and artistic discipline, the creation of an independent body of illustrations played a significant role. Handbooks and handbook authors were significantly involved in this process of codification and dissemination of visual material.

Albrecht, K. “Neues Bildmaterial für neue Raumwahrnehmungen. Fotografie in der Städtebauliteratur an der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert.” ReVue, 04/2021.

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