Positive change in environment: aesthetics, environmental flowability and well-being
Marco Boffi, N. Rainisio, E. Riva

Environmental Psychology states that restoration and environmental preference could be explained by referring to our evolutionary past, or taking into account some of the universal features of the place. This contribution shows an alternative point of view, focusing on the concepts of flow. This chapter focuses on a new framework aiming to establish a link between optimal experiences, psychological well-being and aesthetic judgments, introducing the idea of Flowability as a subjective criterion to evaluate a place and consider it as potentially regenerative.
Rainisio, N., M. Boffi, and E. Riva. “Positive change in environment: aesthetics, environmental flowability and well-being.” In Enabling Positive Change. Flow and complexity in daily experience, edited by P. Inghilleri, G. Riva and E. Riva. De Gruyter, 2014. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.2478/9783110410242.6/html