The Smouha City Venture. Alexandria 1923-1958
Cristina Pallini, R. Smouha, M. C. Bruwier

The Smouha City Venture is a collaborative work between Richard Smouha, Cristina Pallini and Marie-Cécile Bruwier. Together they explore various aspects in the creation, development and urbanization of Smouha City, a suburb of Alexandria in Egypt. The book intertwines antiquity, historical and recent architectural discoveries and first-hand accounts of the events proceeding, during and following the birth of Smouha City. Along with the detailed text, the book provides the reader with a variety of visuals, which paint a vivid picture of the societal and architectural makeup of Alexandria during the first half of the 20th century.
Smouha, R., C. Pallini, and M.-C. Bruwier. The Smouha City Venture. Alexandria 1923-1958. Charleston: Createspace, 2014.