Capodimonte, Materdei, Vomero. Idee e progetti urbanistici per la Napoli collinare 1860-1936
Gemma Belli, F. Mangone

Relating to the period 1860-1936, the volume analyzes a variety of projects – some little known, others completely unpublished –, which identify the pleasant Vomero hill in Naples as a suitable place to solve the problems of overcrowding and unhealthiness of the “old city”. Several hypotheses alternate and confront each other for these sites: holiday resorts, bourgeois districts, popular districts, in a reflection that is always attentive to the “forma Urbis” and the enhancement of the landscape. In all these projects, not only the design of the roads is fundamental, but the construction of adequate systems to overcome the differences in height: lifts, funiculars, airways. The volume is written together with Fabio Mangone.
Belli, G., and F. Mangone. Capodimonte, Materdei, Vomero. Idee e progetti urbanistici per la Napoli collinare, 1860-1936. Napoli: Grimaldi & C. Editori, 2012