Posillipo, Fuorigrotta e Bagnoli. Progetti urbanistici per la Napoli del mito 1860-1935

Gemma Belli, F. Mangone


The volume analyzes a variety of projects - little known or unpublished - developed in the period 1860-1935 for the districts of Posillipo, Fuorigrotta and Bagnoli, in Naples. The study reconstructs the evocative succession of ideas focused on places that were celebrated in landscape and marked by myth. In the context of projects that hypothesize privileged bourgeois neighborhoods, or modern tourist or exhibition structures, urban planning models of great interest are also established. Some of them focus on linear development schemes, others on picturesque designs, still others on the geometric perfection of the cities of foundation. In their own way, they all intend to enhance the archaeological and literary memories, and the landscape with the green, the sea. The volume is written together with Fabio Mangone.

Belli, G., and F. Mangone. Posillipo, Fuorigrotta e Bagnoli. Progetti urbanistici per la Napoli del Mito, 1860-1935. Napoli: Grimaldi & C. Editori, 2011.

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