Han Jie (Xiamen University - China)
Heleni Porfyriou (National Research Council of Italy, CNR- ISPC, italy)
Antonello Alici (University of Marche - Italy and Silpakorn University Bangkok - Thailand)
Paola Brunori (University of Roma Tre - Italy)
Cristina Pallini (Milan Polytechnic - Italy)
Anna Paola Pola (WHITRAP, Shanghai - China)
Thomas Renard (Université de Nantes – France)
The focus of this thematic node is on East and Southeast Asian ports and on their planning and design in the early days of the era of modernization. These were places where East met West, cultures intermingled, not only goods, but ideas, circulated and new hybrid patterns were invented. Different planning, building and architectural models were followed (indigenous, of western or eastern origin and from diverse traditions) and it is challenging to follow their transformation, transplantation or combination. There are multiple historical resources and in addition to local sources, European archives and travel literature are important repositories.
On this basis, the aim of this research group is to focus on the planning, building and urban design, from 1840s to 1940s, of East Asian Treaty ports and Southeast Asian ports. This will be undertaken through a comparative and interdisciplinary approach, in order to enhance our knowledge and understanding of that historic period of port city building. Furthermore, our aim is to investigate the impact of that historic period on the townscape of port cities and how this may have influenced their development both physically and socially.
To address this subject, a number of the following issues will be taken into consideration, which will provide a focus for the seminars and the group’s research activities:
The research area is to be developed on the basis of:
7 July 2020
Cristina Pallini (Milan Polytechnic -Italy), Treaty Ports as Hybrid Portscapes in China. Framing Research Trajectories
12 April 2021
Heleni Porfyriou (National Research Council of Italy, CNR-ISPC, italy)
Georgina André (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France), Hankou in Wuhan municipality: From a commercial port to an urban experiment (1840-1937)
Shigenao Onda (Hosei University – Japan), The urban transformation of Amoy (Xiamen), in the 1920s and 30s
Richard Hu (University of Canberra – Australia),The Nationalist Planning of Greater Shanghai: 1927–1949
Christine Mengin (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – France), Thomas Renard (Université de Nantes – France), The Urban Challenges of a Three-Core City: Tianjin at the Turn of the 20th Century
Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology – Netherlands), Dynamic Landscapes of East Asian port cities: Jardine Matheson—a trading company as a vehicle of cross-cultural urbanism and architecture
24 May 2021
Cristina Pallini (Milan Polytechnic – Italy)
Shu Yang (School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, China), Wuhan 1861-1990: Radical Changes of Urban Waterfronts in Process of Industrialization
Maurizio Meriggi (Milan Polytechnic – Italy), Harbin and Dal’niy, as reflected images of Sankt Petersburg in between colonial cities and company towns of Chinese Eastern Railways Company (1899-1930)